
The Business Case for 4PL Part 3- What Fourth Party Logistics (4PL) and HomeBuying have in Common

March 30, 2021

For most adults, the purchase of a home is one of, if not THE, most expensive and consequential purchases that you will make in life.  With the median home price in 2020 approaching $300,000, it is no wonder that most people conduct an extraordinary amount of due diligence.  Once you know your budget and “must-have” home features, you arrive at a point where you engage a realtor.  That realtor represents you, the buyer, as a buyers’ agent.  They bring to the table the following essential attributes: 

1.) Expertise in the market area; able to educate you on the nuances like trends, neighborhood crime, schools, etc.  

2.) Knowledge and experience in the legal and contractual aspects necessary to close a purchase 

3.) Ability to negotiate on your behalf to get you the optimal price  

4.) Facilitating the key transaction participants such as inspectors, mortgage bankers, title companies, and appraisers  

5.) They don’t get paid until and unless they deliver the service of getting you what you desire. 

Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of homebuyers engage a buyers’ agent to represent them and ultimately get them into their dream home.  Those that elect to forego the buyers’ agent route are typically looking to “Do it themselves” with little to no training or understanding of the nuances of home buying or the local market area.  When this happens, you as the buyer end up working with the Sellers’ agent, who has been hired by the seller to represent their interests first and foremost…. they are by definition looking to sell at max price on the most favorable terms to the seller — Oh and they might forget to mention the cracked foundation and termites in the walls.   

Many fuel-buyers spend the equivalent of a median-priced home on a much more frequent cadence than once in a lifetime; they spend said amount monthly, weekly, or even daily. These same fuel buyers engage with the equivalent of the Sellers’ agent (Third-Party Wholesale Supplier) ONLY, in order to facilitate the purchases.  The risks of this scenario mirror that of the “do it yourself” homebuyer:

            > You paid too much for your fuel (home purchase price exceeded comps)

            > You ended up with sub-optimal terms (poorly structured loan) 

            > The contract was poorly written and executed (you didn’t understand the fine print)

            > Theft in the form of your fuel invoices not matching your contract (Nightly burglaries in neighborhood)

The good news is FuelHub remedies the vacuum that exists for Fuel Buyers.  We are the equivalent of the fuel buyers’ agent, operating 100% on your behalf – we do not own or sell fuel, nor do we own or operate the trucks that deliver it.  FuelHub optimizes your fuel supply chain to get you the best price, we manage daily logistics movements and the complexities of spot market, and we ensure the accuracy of each invoice transaction.  In doing so, we save our customers up to 6 cents per gallon. 

Does the fuel supplier have to lose for you as the fuel buyer to win? Absolutely not.  In fact, the FuelHub program is perhaps the best thing to hit the industry in years when it comes to supplier benefit.   Through our program offering, we bring volume to suppliers and carriers alike, increasing their participation in new business.  In addition, we anticipate rolling out a program offering in Q2 2021 that will accelerate payment to suppliers from the industry standard of Net-10 to Net-1.  Sometimes suppliers encounter even longer customer terms, such as with government clients, where the terms are Net 30.  We would be in position to accelerate those terms to a lightning fast Net-1 as well!  

FuelHub is a Fourth Party Logistics (4PL) service based out of Houston, TX that optimizes the downstream fuel supply chain for fuel buyers.  We take on the complexity and save you money so you can focus on getting back to your business.  Learn more by contacting us for a free consultation:   1.833.FUELHUB or info@fuelhubservices.com .  

Matt Renobato

29 Jan, 2025

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